Buttress Thread 45° DIN 2781

The buttress thread with 45° thread angle is used on hydraulic presses. It is used in order to avoid the development of explosive force in the nut, since the nut has to be divided into two parts for heavy press columns for technical reasons.

Bolt Thread
Nominal Diameter
Minor Diameter
Drill Size
S 100 x 5 100.00 94.25 95.00 5.00
S 106 x 5 106.00 100.25 101.00 5.00
S 112 x 5 112.00 106.25 107.00 5.00
S 118 x 5 118.00 112.25 113.00 5.00
S 125 x 5 125.00 119.25 120.00 5.00
S 132 x 5 132.00 126.25 127.00 5.00
S 140 x 5 140.00 134.25 135.00 5.00
S 150 x 6 150.00 143.10 144.00 6.00
S 160 x 6 160.00 153.10 154.00 6.00
S 170 x 6 170.00 163.10 164.00 6.00
S 180 x 6 180.00 173.10 174.00 6.00
S 190 x 6 190.00 183.10 184.00 6.00
S 200 x 8 200.00 190.80 192.00 8.00
S 212 x 8 212.00 202.80 204.00 8.00
S 224 x 8 224.00 214.80 216.00 8.00
S 236 x 8 236.00 226.80 228.00 8.00
S 250 x 8 250.00 240.80 242.00 8.00
S 265 x 10 265.00 253.50 255.00 10.00
S 280 x 10 280.00 268.50 270.00 10.00
S 300 x 10 300.00 288.50 290.00 10.00
S 315 x 10 315.00 303.50 305.00 10.00
S 335 x 12 335.00 321.20 323.00 12.00
S 355 x 12 355.00 341.20 343.00 12.00
S 375 x 12 375.00 361.20 363.00 12.00
S 400 x 16 400.00 381.60 384.00 16.00
S 425 x 16 425,00 406,60 409,00 16,00
S 450 x 16 450.00 431.60 434.00 16.00
S 475 x 16 475.00 456.60 459.00 16.00
S 500 x 16 500.00 481.60 484.00 16.00
S 530 x 20 530.00 507.00 510.00 20.00
S 560 x 20 560.00 537.00 540.00 20.00
S 600 x 20 600.00 577.00 580.00 20.00
S 630 x 20 630.00 607.00 610.00 20.00
S 670 x 24 670.00 642.40 646.00 24.00
S 710 x 24 710.00 682.40 686.00 24.00
S 750 x 24 750.00 722.40 726.00 24.00
S 800 x 32 800.00 763.20 768.00 32.00
S 850 x 32 850.00 813.20 818.00 32.00
S 900 x 32 900.00 863.20 868.00 32.00
S 950 x 32 950.00 913.20 918.00 32.00
S 1000 x 32 1000.00 963.20 968.00 32.00
S 1060 x 40 1060.00 1014.00 1020.00 40.00
S 1120 x 40 1120.00 1074.00 1080.00 40.00
S 1180 x 40 1180.00 1134.00 1140.00 40.00
S 1250 x 40 1250.00 1204.00 1210.00 40.00
